Contrary to popular belief, life after graduation is not all roses and fairy dust. You graduate hoping that your life is going to be a series of little triumphs with you buying your own car and all the fancy stuff you have always fancied about. Well, the truth is you hardly manage to buy your own groceries in the beginning. Job market, being super saturated, hardly offers you any comfort and you just laze around doing several part-time jobs, with your family interfering in every single decision of yours.

Here are some of the quintessentially Pakistani tweets that perfectly sum up life after graduation:

1. You become your family’s on-call driver because let us face it, you have no job. 

Via: Twitter


2.  Your life takes a big turn.

Via: Twitter

A “u-turn”, that is.


3. And the summer, right after graduation, in a nutshell.

Via: Twitter


4. Your emotional stability level is on a constant decline.  

Via: Twitter


5. While your fellow batch mates are out there getting all the fancy jobs, you are just like…

Via: Twitter


6. And when somebody asks…

Via: Twitter


7. This. All day. Every day. 

Via: Twitter


8. Unemployment aside, single life awaits you with all its brutalities while all your friends abandon you to pursue their own ventures. 

Via: Twitter


9. Your love life is definitely slow. 

Via: Twitter


10. Well, if nothing else, at least the pre mid- life crisis never leave your side. 

Via: Twitter


11. Here is some more of it.

Via: Twitter


12.  Some more.

Via: Twitter


13. And some more. 

Via: Twitter


14. Well, if nothing else works out…

Via: Twitter


15. But always remember…

Via: Twitter



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