Graduation and growing up might not be what we imagined when we were kids. Life was much easier when spent day dreaming about Power Rangers or pre-ordering the new FIFA. College was no different: after the constant grilling of professors and the daily grind between juggling multiple readings, quizzes, assignments along with girlfriends, GPAs and extra curriculars, we all breathed a sigh of relief when it all ended.


All that seems to be a distant memory now as we live in the so-called “Real World.”

Here are some things you can relate to now that you’re officially an adult (kinda, sorta):


1. You find yourself waking up at 6 am more often than you go to bed at 6 am.

Source: Giphy

….and still hate it.


2. Money management is a full-time job.

Source: Deenga

You can’t fall back on your  anymore. This means covering tax figures and sheets of bills, food, fuel, coffee and kaam wali aunty ke betay ki fees.


3. Your style choice changes for the better.

While earlier you could splurge on ten pairs of funky looking branded knock-offs that never last, now you’re responsible enough to invest in comfy shoes from Hush Puppies.

4. You see a flurry of weddings involving your childhood school-buddies.

Source: Deenga

Seriously, what is with all these people you used to hang out with back in the day getting committed/engaged/married ALL OF A SUDDEN and ALL AT ONCE!?


5. You finally learn what the ‘application of knowledge’ is in practical life.

When you’re a fresh graduate, you know your entire syllabus inside out. Now, you basically do everything that you weren’t given a syllabus for – all by yourself.


6. Your social media usage is more about meaningful debates than overdose of dog videos.

Source: imgur

7. You “act” interested in politics more than MizMa.

Source: Deenga
A requirement for being  adult is having knowledge about politics. It contributes to the lunch time conversations with the bosses and if you don’t pipe in with your opinion, are you even an adult?

8. You cringe when you see people acting immature. 

Source: A cup of Karachi

You know you’ve had it when your blood boils when you see people who wR|t3 lYk dI5.


9. Freebies, discounts, and hyper-sales please you more than they should.

Source: Deenga

Who doesn’t love free things?


10. You have to build your street cred.

Source: Deenga

Your ammi can bargain the heck out of a salesman. Your abbu is a pro at getting discounts. You have a long way to go and a lot to learn.

11. You have to make big life decisions on a regular basis for the very first time.

You’re an adult living on your own and the head of the house. What do you do? Eat? Pay your taxes? Sleep at 10 pm or 1 am? Squeeze in a 3 hour movie before bed and risk getting late for work? Who’s going to make these decisions? You are.


12. You like staying home more than you like going out.

Source: Tumblr

Also, going out = money lost.

13. You’re continuously thinking about your future.

Source: Giphy

While everybody else is tying the knot, you busy considering your future goals and filling your wardrobe with crisp suits and matching Hush Puppies. Life priorities on point.


14. If you’re still living with your parents, you’re the designated driver. 

Source: @MaafKro Via: Twitter


15. You learn how to balance your life.


16. You sometimes find yourself reminiscing about the good ol’ times.

Source: Tumblr

The school life? The shared lunches? Bunked classes? The good ol’ shared water bottle prank? Copied homework? Late-night group studies, that were anything but group studies? Yeah, we all do that.


17. But love this new adventure

Source: Deenga

With all the beauty and wonders of life that only a mature eye can see, maybe growing up wasn’t so bad after all.


This article has been sponsored by Hush Puppies.