Were you the brightest kid in class? You may have gotten A+ on everything, but even the best of us have their weaknesses. And Math was one subject you just could not get the grasp of.

Just thinking of Math still gives you nightmares. And because we understand what you go through, here is what those of you whose math skills were barely passable will relate to:

1. You still count mentally on your fingers

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Only if you are in public. In private you actually do count on your fingers


2. You dread when your mom asks you to make sure you get the correct change

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3. If someone asks you a calculation that is not 2 + 2 you start sweating

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4. Shopping is a stressful experience

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 5. So is dining out

Source: Sarmad Amer

6. You always rely on that one friend with Math skills to split the bill

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7. Sales in percentages other than “50% off” give your brain a nightmare

Source: Sarmad Amer


8. You can never tell how old that actress is now if she was 24 in 1997, unless you google it

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9. In school you could not wait to get out and never ever have to deal with Math classes anymore

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10. You use your phone’s calculator more than you use the dictionary

Source: Sarmad Amer


11. Hearing the words “Integration” and “Differentiation” made you want to scream and run away as fast as you can

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12. You never understood why you have to study algebra when in the real world no one ever asks you if 4a + 5x – 6k = 12 z

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13. You dread having to teach it when you have children

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And if you already do, good luck to you!