One of the hottest topics in the Pakistani entertainment industry nowadays is the sexual harassment allegation Meesha Shafi made against Ali Zafar.

People from almost all walks of life have been pretty polarized by this event; either side stands by their celebrity. The news was soon followed by Ali Zafar announcing that he would sue Meesha for defamation unless she brought relevant proof or apologized.



Earlier in the day, the Sessions Court heard the case for the first time. Nighat began by taking a pretty strong stance regarding the premise of the defamation suit. According to her, Meesha, her team and the women who spoke out against Ali Zafar stood on the right side of history.


She went to clarify that her client had, in fact, filed charges against Ali Zafar

Cases of such nature aren’t meant to be discussed openly, furthermore, the hearing for this case has yet to begin


Lastly, Nighat took apart the argument that people who stand with Ali Zafar are using

The term ‘cheap publicity’ was used by Ali Zafar’s legal team when they appeared in court today for the first time regarding this case.

Earlier yesterday, the Sessions Court heard the case for the first time. Both sides presented their arguments in front of the judge, Shehzad Ahmed. According to Zafar’s team, the allegations are baseless, and furthermore, that the allegations made by Shafi were dismissed by the legal body that overlooks women’s safety and harassment in the workplace.

Ali Zafar was successful in getting a stay order in his favor; this basically means that Meesha Shafi cannot, legally, post anything defamatory statements against Ali Zafar across any medium, online or offline.

According to multiple news sources, the next hearing will be somewhere in July.


Meesha Shafi Has Accused Ali Zafar Of Sexual Harassment And Just Like, WTF



People Are Bringing Up Ali Zafar’s Old Tweets To Support Meesha Shafi’s Allegations