This year’s elections brought forth fresh(ish) faces and we finally have a new government! 

PTI has risen to power among all of this commotion and they are all set to start governing soon. Imran Khan’s speech was also a power show which many still can’t get over. While drama around IK and his party still continue, the team seems to be all prepared to take every opposition and confrontation by the horns!

source: Tribune

While all of this is highly intriguing, more tabdeeli has taken place elsewhere.

Providing some silver lining to the 7-decade-long polarized political framework of Pakistan is the victory of Tanzeela Qambrani and Wazir Zada.

Tanzeela Qambrani – a Sindhi woman – is going to be a part of the provisional politics on behalf of PPP, through the party’s quota of reserved seats for minorities in Pakistan. She is the first ever Sheedi woman to reserve a seat in the provincial assembly.

She belongs to the Sheedi tribe of Africa. Her ancestors were brought to the subcontinent over 2 decades ago. Ever since then, the Sheedi tribe has been prospering in the country. However, the political representation of her tribe has been next to none. It won’t be an exaggeration to state that many, outside of Sindh, may not have been aware of the tribes’ presence in the country.


Tanzeela comes from a learned family, as her father was a lawyer and mother, a teacher. However, her own resume is not any less exciting as she has the experience of being a local councilor in the coastal area of Badin.

On the other hand, we have Wazir Zada – the first ever person from Kalash circle to be a part of the legislative assembly.

Wazir Zada, who belongs to the scenic valleys of Chitral, has also bagged a seat in the provisional assembly on behalf of PTI’s quota for the minority groups.


Since Kalash is an ethnoreligious minority which has not been in the limelight since forever, this change can surely bring forth positive amendments to the administrative framework which will help catapult the minority groups towards better days.

Besides Tanzeela and Wazir, this years’ elections surprised us all as many unconventional people have been brought into power.

Tanzeela, Wazir, and other of the like recently appeared on national television, in an interview. Their political, personal, and community’s struggles have been explained in their interviews.

You can watch it here.

Needless to say, Pakistanis are super hyped about this bit of tabdeeli

And it truly is something to rejoice over

 People were all about supporting the minorities and helping them grow and be heard!

Here’s hoping we see more of such similar tabdeeli


We congratulate Tanzeela Qambrani, Wazir Zada, and others of the like for their success and wish them all the best. Hope this change brings about sturdy changes for religious and ethnic minorities in the country.

Don’t forget to let us know your take on the matter.


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