Have you seen the latest campaign by Nishat Linen? It focuses on inclusivity and celebrating fashion choices and differences – a whole mood, if you ask us. We spend a lot of time dressing up for others, it seems, and it was refreshing to see a brand take control of that behavior and try to spin it around. Why must we be judged or judge others by their choice of clothing? Or the way they put their hair? Let’s everyone build each other up instead of bringing people down, that, too, over something so deeply persona? It really made us feel a whole kinda way.

So, in the same spirit, we decided to ask our instagram family what they thought about the subject:


And the response was just as we expected.

Everyone agreed that they do it and people they know have done it:


Some were very blunt about it…


Even the poor instructors and teachers aren’t spared…


That one can definitely catch on:


What started on the lighter note then moved on to ladies sharing their personal stories and that’s when things started to come into perspective.




There were stories of intense bullying:



It’s interesting how these incidents often ‘stick’…



YAASSSS QUEEN you’re onto something!




WOW that’s badass


This is the way to live ~


THIS 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


At the end of the day, this is our anthem tbh:

Like we said, let’s try to build each other up, ladies. Judging others for their fashion choices seems ridiculous seeing that fashion is such an important part of expression. For some, it has to do with being comfortable in your own skin while others use it to feel confident. Whatever the reason, let’s bring inclusive fashion in vogue!


Check out our new video to learn more about ‘inclusive fashion’:

Have any stories to share regarding inclusive fashion or bullying over it? Let us know in the comments section below.

This post has been sponsored by Nishat Linen.