Your coworkers are who you spend most of your day with, even more than you do with your family and friends. And as time passes, they become more than just your work friends. They become part of why you love doing your job so much, because their presence is what gets you through the day and sometimes gets your through life. Your day is a little bit better and a little bit brighter with them around, even on the dark side, because that’s where you both probably live. They understand your daily struggles and are you best support system/partner in crime.

Here are the reasons why your coworker is basically your best friend:


1. They’ve seen you at your best and they’ve seen you at your worst.

Source: Deenga


2. They put in actual effort to celebrate your special days.

Source: Tumblr


3. They know the intimate details of your life and your secrets.

Source: Deenga


4. They make going to work something to look forward to.

Source: Tumblr


5. They’ve always got your back.

Source: Tumblr

6. You share inside jokes that no one else in the office understands.

Source: Tumblr 

7. You hate the same people.

Source: Tumblr

8. The WhatsApp group is an all-encompassing documentation of your relationship.

Source: Tumblr

9.You seamlessly jump between professional and personal conversations.

With discussion on everything from your favorite new movie to peeing.

Source: Tumblr

10. They defend you in your absence.

Source: Deenga


11. They can tell what’s on your mind.

Source: Deenga

12. You communicate more with your expressions than you do with words.

Source: Tumblr

13. They are your bouncing board for ideas and risky new fashion statements.

Source: Tumblr


14. They’re the first to know when you make an important purchase.

Like that new iPhone.

Source: Tumblr


15. You are never alone as long as they are at work.

Source: Tumblr

16. You are each other’s wingman/woman/person.

Source: Tumblr


17. Lunch is your favorite part of two favorite things; you get to hang out together and food.

Source: Tumblr

18. You make plans together and not follow them through together.

Source: Tumblr

19. You never judge each other.

Source: Tumblr

20. They are always your team member of choice.

Source: Deenga


21. You tag them in at least 5 funny posts a day.

Source: Tumblr

22. You hang outside of office because time with them is time well spent.

Source: Tumblr

23. You give it to each other straight.

Source: Deenga

24. You laugh together and whine together.

Source: Tumblr

25. You spend more time with them than you do with any other person.

Source: Tumblr

26. You know their routine and all their habits.

Source: Tumblr

27. They understand your work problems better than anyone else.

Source: Tumblr

28. Their pep talk before meetings is what makes you feel invincible.

Source: Tumblr

29. You can be truly unapologetically yourself around them.

Source: Tumblr

30. Their presence is what gets you through Mondays every week.

Source: Tumblr

31. You feel empty if they take a day off.

Source: Deenga

32. You both speak the same language and we’re not talking about Urdu, English or Punjabi.

Source: Tumblr

33. They get your humor.

Source: Tumblr

34. You are each other’s source of entertainment from 9-6.

Or even much longer than that, in some cases :/

Source: Tumblr


35. Even if your seats/cubicles are apart, you still manage to communicate flawlessly.

Hello from the other side…

Source: Tumblr


36. You can’t survive the work day without at least one gossip session and chai/coffee/cigarette breaks.

Source: Tumblr


37. Thank God for them because they make your work day fly by.

Source: Tumblr


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