Mustaches are fine, right? Like having a mustache, not having a mustache – no one really thinks about this in a lot of detail. Not usually, at least. Which is why the following case of a man getting fired from a school over his mustache makes zero sense.

Meet Haseeb Ali Chishti

Source: Haseeb Ali Chishti

Haseeb is a teacher who has worked in schools all over Islamabad for a while, now

Source: Haseeb Ali Chishti

However, in an odd turn of events, he was recently let go over his facial hair. Therefore, he called out the Institute in the following Facebook post:


The entire incident is definitely pretty strange. Firstly, what is the definition of “liberal ideas” and why exactly are they considered to be detrimental to students? Secondly, what connection does a mustache have to these liberal ideas? I mean, it’s just facial hair. Lastly, why has a mustache been hypersexualized to the point that a man lost his job?

Source: Warner Bros Television/Giphy

As expected, people chimed in with their support

Via Facebook

Some called the entire incident a ‘case of weird jealousy’

Via Facebook

Others called it discrimination and were livid at the entire incident

Via Facebook

Some even called out the particular school in question

Via Facebook

Others were just plain shocked at the fact that a man lost his job due to the school’s absurd mentality

Via Facebook

People on other social media platforms spoke up for Haseeb as well

Others shared similar instances

While others talked about how our environment is becoming perverted


Could it be that the school already has a policy against teachers keeping facial hair?

It could certainly be the case, however, Haseeb wasn’t informed of any such policy at the time of his firing and the reasons given are rather shallow, to be very frank.

The entire incident really makes you want to take a step back and wonder where we’re headed. Are we really about to start firing people left, right and center based on how they look? Or how big or small their mustache is? (I felt ridiculous simply typing that.) It’s pretty unfortunate that we’re now linking facial hair to “liberal ideas” and basing occupational activities on looks rather than merit.

What do you think about this mustache fiasco? Let us know in the comments.


Cover image shared by Haseeb Ali Chishti