We all know going through the rishta process SUCKS.

Via: Deenga

No matter how much you may refuse it, sometimes an arranged marriage is the inevitable choice for you.


For this person, her rishta ‘dates’ are pretty much the stuff of horror stories:


Ms UB, a medical student, writer and avid traveller was just looking for her own partner in crime but instead went on a series of awful rishta meetups that ended badly.

And lucky for us, she put the whole thing on Twitter.

When speaking with MangoBaaz, UB had pretty much just one thing to say on the subject, “word to the wise women: don’t fret. It’s easy to get worked up when something like that happens but in the poignant words of Taylor Swift, shake it off.”


Here are just a few of the experiences UB shared with the world.

The bad pickup line guy. Like, REALLY bad.


Lover guy.


The guy who can’t take a hint. For two years


She also encountered this dude with some serious emotional issues to deal with before he gets married


There’s also this guy who ate everything they offered during the rishta meeting and then lectured her over history


Oh and it wasn’t just the rishtas that are the stuff of nightmares – meet the Monster-in-law:

UB has got lots more of such scarring incidents on her Twitter.

To sum it up in advice for potential rishtas that she meets, here’s what she says, “for desi men: Please get some game and stop using terrible pickup lines.”


Obviously, these accounts do not reflect the behavior of EVERY desi man or woman in the world. However, it does give great insight into what the average man and woman are thinking during the duration of this very delicate rishta date dance.

Do you have any rishta experiences of your own? Any horror stories? Any happy ones? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.


21 Pakistani Rishta Nightmare Stories That Will Make You Rethink Marriage





17 Dramatic Dialogues Your Rishtaydaar Always Use To Create Drama In Your Life



Cover image via: guiltybytes.com