Let’s just agree on one fact, Saba Qamar is absolutely flawless! 

Like that time she slayed in Vogue India

Source: Vogue India


Or when she took up a role that she said she was ready to die for.

Source: dawn.com

And remember that time she stood up for Neelam Munir?


Well put all of that to the side, Saba walked the ramp at the Bridal Couture Week. And yes, you guessed it- it was flawless (as expected), despite some unexpected falls. 


As she graced us all with her presence on the ramp, she suddenly tripped. But she was quick to get up and brush it off like the queen she is.

Pakistanis were in awe of her ability to compose herself

Especially this person!

Via Instagram

Some people crowned her their queen 

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At least these people are honest about it 

Via Instagram

The love just didn’t stop pouring in 

Via Instagram
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This person was so impressed, they forgot how to English 

Via Instagram

So yeah, basically this…

Via Instagram

Saba Qamar showed us all how perfect she is! What did we do to deserve a badass Queen like herself?

What do you think of how she handled her fall? Let us know in the comments.