Everyone knows science can do wonders now and then scientists go on and make a second skin and blow everyone’s idea of what science is capable of.


The scientists at MIT have made a ‘second skin’ that can “protect and tighten skin, and smooth wrinkles”

Calm down, it isn’t actually skin. The material is a silicone-based polymer that can be put on to your skin as a coating of cream or moisturizer. But then, that’s where it stops looking like a cream and becomes your “skin”.

The material acts as a coating over human flesh and can temporarily tighten skin, even protect from water and even harmful rays of the big bad Sun.

Via: The New York Times


Scientists say it can be used to “deliver drugs to help treat skin conditions such as eczema and other types of dermatitis”

Daniel Anderson, one of the scientists who authored the properties of the material in a scientific journal, and is an associate professor at MIT said, “it’s an invisible layer that can provide a barrier, provide cosmetic improvement, and potentially deliver a drug locally to the area that’s being treated. Those three things together could really make it ideal for use in humans”.


Some are calling it a ‘band-aid’ for old, sagging skin

Source: MIT

While this does appear to be a breakthrough for the cosmetic industry, scientists are quick to add that they are exploring the possibility of using this material to treat medical skin conditions like psoriasis, as well.

Dr. Murad Alam, a professor of dermatology at Northwestern University, who is not associated to the study, spoke with The New York Times. He said he was impressed, too, but he cautioned that it was still early. However he did think this material will become extremely popular. And we couldn’t agree more!


Here are the scientists giving a demonstration on how this second skin will work


Science. Stranger than fiction, amirite?

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