Scorpio friends, zodiac dekhlo


Hey there Scorpios. so your birthday month is almost over. Hope all of you have been having great birthdays and made goals for your upcoming year. Let’s take a look at how your emotional compatibility can work out in the next year with your fellow zodiac signs.


Did you know you are more than just fierce and bold? You are also compatible with certain zodiacs and with others, you are just so-so. So next time you can’t seem to figure out why you don’t get along with a certain human being, reference this article to figure out exactly why.




As we all know Scorpios can be pretty ownership driven, which means they often claim people in their lives as their property. You are one of the few that find this about them endearing, which is why you get along perfectly. Scorpios have many quirks to them but you understand exactly why they are the way they are. Both of you get jealous and can be very stubborn, but when joined in any type of union this does not often occur the two of you.

Verdict: Extremely Compatible.




You two are perfect for each other romantically. You are totally in sync emotionally, mentally, and physically. There is so much love between these two signs and it radiates beyond the individuals themselves. There is a lot in common between the two of you and that is often a good sign, but sometimes it can rub you two the wrong way. Scorpios like their time alone and prefer to recharge on their own and Cancer signs often respect that about Scorpios.

Verdict: Extremely Compatible




You are as easy going as a human being can be, which is something Scorpios can really learn to appreciate. You admire the stubborn Scorpio that is in your life, and they love you for that. They like to control and you like to be controlled (get your mind out of the gutter). You just prefer when others make decisions and take the lead, which Scorpios do.

Verdict: Extremely Compatible




You both like to be in control and often get into arguments over this, but the good thing is that both of you enjoy that about your relationship. These arguments often lead to meaningful discussions which create stimulation for the two of you. You guys like two enjoy being the center of attention, which the two of you often end up giving each other. Even if you are strictly friends, flirtatious exchange can take place.

Verdict: Moderately Compatible




Yes, we are going to discuss Scorpio’s compatibility with fellow Scorpios, too. Okay so you two are the same person and often get referred to as two peas in a pod, but that is exactly why you two don’t always work out. The two of you have a unique relationship and often bring out the best in each other but also the worst in each other. When times are good between you two they can’t be any better, but during the bad times, no one likes to be around you guys. Friends and family worry about your relationship and it causes many concerns, which is never a good sign.

Verdict: Moderately Compatible




You two are insecure and extremely possessive which often does not work out with others. In this union, it works out perfectly because it provides security and strength in your relationship. You are selfless and put yourself on the back burner, which is something your partner values and tries to come up to you. You are in unison about many topics and if not then respect each other’s opinions, which is a win, win for all parties involved.

Verdict: Moderately Compatible




The physical attraction between the two of you is mind-blowing. This will lead to a lot of sexual tension, which can ruin the relationship if you guys are just friends. You have chemistry and there is no other way to say that. Besides, physical attraction, you two can get deeply emotionally involved as well, but only along with being physically involved, so a union is possible.

Verdict: Moderately Compatible




Scorpios are attracted to your sharp and fast intellect. You give them a run for their intelligence and they will crave to converse with you. They will pick your brain and try to figure you out. Once you give them a chance to, their curiosity will no longer exist and your relationship will no longer be valued. Be careful of how you are around a Scorpio.

Verdict: Moderately Compatible




You have a lot in common and that causes many differences in your relationship. You both work hard, which leaves little room to spend time with each other. You do not value each other’s time and this is why it is hard for you two to get along all the time.

Verdict: Slightly Compatible




Initially, you two will be inseparable. You will find each other fascinating and super intriguing. The more you get to know each other, the less interesting the other becomes. This will cause the chemistry to die down and eventually lead to a dull, uneventful relationship.

Verdict: Slightly Compatible




There is a lot of conflict in your relationship and these conflicts are not easily resolved. You are attracted to the mysterious Scorpio in your life and they can care less. They don’t find you interesting, so it is better to just call it quits rather than work at it.

Verdict: Slightly Compatible




Both of you want to control and are both very strong-headed. You two want the other to succumb to your demands and that is simply asking for trouble. Their habits will drive you crazy and will bother you rather than endear you. No signs of partnership in your futures.

Verdict: Slightly Compatible


So there you have it, Scorpio folks. Did you turn out to be compatible with who you wanted to be? Let us know in the comments below.


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