You’re bound to have heard someone utter the words “mujhe sinus ka masla hai” at least once in your life. You may have also thought “kya dramay hain yeh”. But this is no joke. Sinusitis is a condition where your sinuses (they’re cool little air passages near your nostrils that produce all the mucus inside your nose) get inflamed and infected, and this causes all sorts of trouble for the unfortunate cursed with it.

You may call people with sinus problems dramaybaaz, but this is what it’s actually like having to live with sinusitis:

1. You wake up feeling like there’s wet cotton stuffed inside your head

Source: Tumblr


2. All that pressure up there makes you worry that your head might someday explode

This is a very real depiction of what the pressure actually feels like. No jokes.


3. The sinus headaches make you want to rip your head off

Source: Tumblr


4. And they’re like clingy girlfriends that will never leave you alone

Source: Tumblr

Imagine having migraines, but 24/7. Yeah, it’s that bad.


5. You need tissues all the time

Via: Giphy

You’ve stopped wondering where your nose even stores all this stuff at.


6. Breathing through your nose is something you only dream of

Via: Giphy

Constantly having a stuffy nose means using it to get that sweet air into your lungs is a privilege you can only avail on some very few days.


7. You said goodbye to your sense of smell a long time ago

Source: Tumblr

Which isn’t always a bad thing.


8. Throat infections are your worst enemy

Via: Pinterest

Throat infections = flared up sinus symptoms = an arsenal of medication = NO THANK YOU.


9. Nasal sprays are your best friend

Source: Tumblr

Oh, that feel-good rush of medicinal spray going deep inside your nostrils to the deep, dark corners of your sinuses…sweet relief.


10. Steam inhalation is a regular thing for you

Source: Deenga

It opens up all the clogged up passageways and gives you major relief. For the time being, anyway.


11. You pop anti-allergy pills like M&Ms

Source: Tumblr

Softin is your Vicodin.


12. Going down into sajda is God’s true way of testing you

Source: Giphy

Tilting your head down somehow forces all that goop inside your head to pound against your brain and make you want to kill yourself. No biggie, though, it’s Khuda ke liye.


13. No one understands that you don’t just “have a runny nose”

Source: Deenga

Like getting kicked in your jewels isn’t just “harmless play”.


14. You’re always cranky when your sinuses are bad

Source: Deenga

Snapping at someone for eating the last cookie is totally legit; there’s a party going on in your head and it ain’t the fun kind.


15. You always wish you could sleep it off and not have to deal with life 

Source: Giphy

Sometime’s sleep is the only solution. Unless you go back to point number 1. #Endlesscycle.