Farhan Saeed really won the lottery with ‘Suno Chanda.’ The singer-turned-actor was put on the map with the groundbreaking Ramazan show, sweeping up ratings and raising the bar for other dramas in our industry. Farhan Saeed has been reeling in the success of it, along with protagonist Iqra Aziz who both have become our industry’s A-listers. The drama’s set in stone as one of the best we’ve ever had, and it’s been a long time since Ramazan, but ‘Suno Chanda’ still remains very much alive in memory.


Farhan took to Instagram to reminisce about his show, declaring this week ‘Suno Chanda’ week to his 1.3 million fans with the hashtag #SunoChandaWeek

The actor posted an adorable mash-up of various ‘Suno Chanda’ scenes, strung together to famous ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ song ‘Yeh Ladka Hai Deewana.’ He asked his fans what their favorite scene was, and after around 1,000 responses, we condensed the most popular ones.


Fans poured in their love for the show with their favorite moments, with many adoring Nadia Afghan’s hilarious role as Shahana, Arsal’s mama

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


…With her dialogue lauded by many

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


The last episode where Arsal calls Jia Chanda was another loved moment between the two main characters

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Most couldn’t decide a particular scene, praising the entire drama instead

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Farhan’s acting was praised profoundly too

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Most took this time to express their excitement over season 2 of the show (EEEEEEK)

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Arsal and Jia’s fighting was a popular answer too

Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


Source: @farhan_saeed/Instagram


What’s your favorite moment from the show?


11 Reasons Why Pakistanis Loved “Suno Chanda” So Freaking Much

Rejoice! Season Two Of “Suno Chanda” Has FINALLY Been Confirmed