Even though it may not be in the best of terms, Facebook has been receiving quite a bit of attention lately, more so than the usual amount.

And when we say more attention,

We really mean it, lmao.

The Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shakwi Allam, has reportedly issued a Fatwa stating that the ‘buying of likes’ on Facebook for personal use is forbidden in Islam.


Source: The Express Tribune

In an article written by The Express Tribune, Mufti was quoted as saying,

“Boosting content is permissible in Sharia law as long as it’s in a manner to promote an account, a product, a page or a publication in order for the content to reach a certain number of user targeted in exchange of money.”

So essentially, branded and sponsored content is fine, but when it comes to getting more likes for your own personal images and personal profile, it’s a big no-no. It’s an Islamic big no-no.


The article also said,  “Allam explained that boosting page interaction by means of fake ‘reactions’ or ‘likes’ or ‘comments’ is a blatant violation of honesty. The method is based on fraud and is misleading to the audience as it does not reflect tangible numbers in any way.”

Just think about alllll the fake profiles all of your newsfeeds. All the friend requests, all the awkward messages, and ALL THE FUCKING POKES.


Source: Deenga

Especially with all of the talk on Facebook lately, selling off our own private information to other companies, it’s no surprise that the world is reacting in any way they can.

But before we go all crazy metaphorically rolling up our sleeves to talk about religion and power and Facebook and blah blah blah, let’s just think about this.

Facebook has so much so become a part of our lives, that even our Islamic ‘leaders’ are stating it’s power and performance. Maybe not directly, but decreeing an entire fatwa on just ‘buying likes?’ How scary is that? And before you freak out or hop down the rabbit hole around conspiracy theories and scary Mark Zuckerburg – don’t worry.

We all have pretty shifted to Instagram anyway, lol. Love you.

Source: deenga.com

What do you think of the fatwa? Does the Grand Mufti make some sense? Do Facebook users need to have some honesty slapped into them? Let us know in the comments below!

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Cover photo source: The Express Tribune