Yesterday, Pakistan lost another sane voice pushing for interfaith harmony in the country – a concept which is increasingly becoming alien to the nation.


Charanjeet Singh, who ran a general store in the outskirts of Peshawar, was also an ardent interfaith harmony activist

The family was originally settled in Kurram Agency but moved to Peshawar in the 70s to due to better business prospects there. Charanjeet was a man of great intellect and a firm believer of interfaith harmony. He would actively engage in dialogue encouraging harmony between the majority and the minority of the country. For this purpose, he would himself be the one leading such campaigns.

In 2006, he helped in the foundation of the Pakistan Councils of World Religions. Through this platform, he also wrote three books on the importance of interfaith harmony.

In an interview, Sikh elder Baba Amarjit Singh said, “He [Charanjit] was a preacher and had a thorough knowledge of the Sikh religion which is why he was often invited to universities to lecture about the different aspects of the Sikh faith.”


He was actively involved in reforming discriminatory laws against religious minorities in the country and supporting causes which promoted harmony between all

Yesterday, he was shot dead in Peshawar which has left the entire country in shock

The irony is that when his dead body was lying at the gurdwara for his last recites, food was being prepared by his organization to be distributed among those in need

Hassan Raza, human rights activist, remembers him for his support when he was arranging the largest interfaith events of his life – an iftar that made rounds on social media. In an effort to sum up his thoughts about the incident, he says

“The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in the demise of its Sikh citizen has lost its finest but I am not going to write anything about his assassination because not only I think there is absolutely no word in the dictionary that can possibly reflect my feelings right now but also because I believe that in order to write about his death, I, first have to acknowledge that he has gone, and as of now, my mind refuses to do that. I will just say that I will forever be indebted to him for standing with me when it mattered most.”


There are no leads in the case but this is an act of terrorism and an attempt to snub the sane voices in the country

No scripture or belief system promotes the killing of individuals based on the difference in beliefs. At the same time, these murders also put an end to all the efforts put in by such individuals by creating a sense of fear and terror.

A few political parties have come forward to condemn the attack but the debate around such terrorism is largely absent.

Is Pakistan a country only for the majority? Have we not, yet again, failed our minorities? Can we still claim to be a country safe for those who do not follow the religion of the majority?

There is no denying that Pakistan is not safe for its minorities. There is no regard for their lives nor is the law strong enough to save them from this brutal and mass killing spree. We disregard these incidents and do not want to report them because they distort the “great” image that Pakistan has worldwide, but it is our lack of acceptance which creates more room for such instances to take place.


cover image via Twitter