A Pakistani mall, like malls everywhere in the world, is one of the best places in a city to shop, eat, hang out or just kill time. No matter which part of the world you live in, you will always find very interesting people in shopping malls.

Here are the different types of people you are bound to come across at every mall in Pakistan:


1. The Poondi People

Via Deenga

For some, the mall is a social watering hole where they can hunt for prey of the opposite sex. Most of these people are not so subtle and will stare at you from afar and possible follow you around the mall. Naturally it will creep the hell out of everyone.


2. Power Walkers

Via Tumblr

You will definitely come across a power walking man or woman who seem to be rushing from place to place? Are they exercising? Are they shopping? No one really knows. Stay out of their way.


3. The Miserable Husband

Source: brobible.com

This poor guy has been dragged to the mall by his wife or significant other. You will see him bored out of his mind sitting on whatever chair or couch he can find.


4. Disapproving Aunties

Source: Walt Disney Pictures

No matter what you’re wearing or who you’re with at the mall, the aunties will always be watching. They will stare at you up and down, side to side, over and over again – judging your every move.


5. The Kid Throwing a Tantrum

Source: romper.com

You’ll definitely see a wailing child lying on the floor screaming while his mom is probably on her cellphone, oblivious to the situation.


6. Bargain Hunters

Source: Touchstone Pictures

Did you say sale? You’ll see this type of specimen lurking in every corner of the mall hunting for the best deals and discounts.


7. The Family Circus

Via Deenga

This mini troop will be screaming, running, jumping, and basically destroying the mall in every way possible. The troop will include an exhausted mother, an embarrassed father planning his escape, and of course screaming children. If you ever see them – run in the opposite direction.


8. Pindi Boiyz aka Men Posing For Facebook Pictures

Via Tumblr

You know exactly what I’m talking about. Just….ignore.


9. The Lonely Kid

Source: romper.com

No matter which mall you go to, you’ll always find a kid sulking in some corner. This innocent child has probably been dragged to the mall by their parents so they make themselves comfortable in a corner reading a book or scrolling through their phone.


10. Panicking Parents

Source: buzzfeed.com

This will probably be a young couple trying to handle a screaming baby and a stroller packed with shopping bags.


11. Annoying Teenagers

Source: scoopempire.com

Teenagers have it the worst. School sucks and their parents are assholes. Entertainment options are limited in Pakistan, so naturally, they turn to loitering at the mall. You’ll see them running around from stores to the food court, being loud, obnoxious, and probably complaining.


12. The Window Shoppers

Source: Dharma Productions

There are some people who only go to the mall for a stroll. They will look at everything, ask the price of things they’re interested in, and walk away. Perhaps they get satisfaction by their self control amidst all the temptation to spend.


13. The Couple On A Date

Source: Dharma Productions

They’re madly in love and they want everyone to know. You’ll see them holding hands in dark corners praying that no one in their family sees them.


14. Foodies

Source: MangoBaaz

These people will spend hours in the food court. It seems as if they haven’t eaten in weeks.


15. The Shopaholic

Source: PVR Pictures

This person has a problem. They must buy everything in sight. They are carrying so many shopping bags that they have to take those trains to the exit of the mall. Bad break up? Shop. Rough week? Shop. Fight with parents? Shop. Bored? Shop.


Which one of these have you come across?