Everyone thinks that as the youngest child you are a privileged, pampered and protected kid. Sadly, anyone who is the youngest child will know that is so NOT true! As a youngest kid you are ignored, your opinions don’t count and you are never taken seriously. Life as a youngest in the family is hard.

Here are some of the things that you go through as the youngest child:

1. Your brothers and sisters have found a slave so you are forced to do all the small things for them

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Just because you’re ‘sabse chotay’ and because you’re told ‘barhon ki izzat kia karo’ somehow actually means ‘barho k saray kaam bhi karo’. From following their orders to giving them lazies water every minute.


2. You are NEVER allowed to speak in a family discussion

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Doesn’t matter what discussion is going on, and doesn’t matter if you’re 12 or 22, if you’re the youngest one in the family, you are not allowed to speak. Why? Because ‘abhi tum chotay ho


3. And yet you are the one to be blamed for EVERYTHING

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Your mom’s expensive vase broken. YOU’RE THE ONE! Your brother’s project that he worked on so hard was ruined. YOU’RE THE ONE! PTI lost yet another election, YOU’RE THE ONE!


4. You’re the last to know of anything happening in the family

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You are not only the last one to get all the news and updates, you are also not important enough to be trusted with secrets because apparently you’re your parent’s pet. Jhoot!


5. Achieved anything in life? Your older sister did it better.

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This is the inevitable fate of the youngest child. You are compared at each and every moment in your life with the way your elder siblings did it. Sometimes you’re sick of hearing “uss ne toh asaani se 90 percent liye thay“!


However life as the youngest child isn’t like Cinderella’s with her evil stepmother, all the time. There are perks to being the youngest too. You tend to get away with a lot of things when you’re ignored, just sayin’


6. Regardless of how old you are you will always be the family’s baby and will receive a lot of love

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Because you’re the youngest, you’re the most ladla in the house and your family tends to shower you with extra love and presents. Maybe it’s their way of showing they’re guilty and saying sorry?


7. If you are caught doing anything naughty with your older siblings, you can get away without much punishment

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If you and your siblings are in a group mischief and you all get caught, you as the youngest one always receive the soft hand because your parents tell your older sibling that ‘ussey tou abhi samajh nahi hai, tum tou barhay ho


8. You don’t always have to follow any rules

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As the youngest child, you don’t necessarily follow orders and rules all the time. When your opinions aren’t taken seriously you tend to find a way to manipulate that into doing some evil mischief.


9. You have a huge variety of people you can ask when you need help

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Whether it’s a hard math homework or you are simply scared of going out in the dark, you can always ask your elder siblings, parents or just about anyone in the family because you’re the youngest and you need protection, after all 😉


10. You have a template of how to live a “good” life

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Because your elder siblings have made mistakes in life and your parents have made decisions for them which later turned out to be bad. So, being the youngest and the last one in the family, everyone helps to shape your life and gives you expert advice. Shukar karo zalimo!

So basically, being the youngest in the family is special. Not always the best experience, but special nonetheless. How has your life as the youngest child been?